

OPEN BOXの意味は、梱包が破けてたり開封済みなだけで中身は新品みたい

1. Open-box.

An open-box item refers to one with an opened box that is often resealed or repackaged by the reseller. It’s worth noting that an open-box product is also just an opened box, meaning the contents inside (the original product) are brand new and unused.

Often times an open-box product is a golden opportunity to the customer. You get a brand new product at a discounted rate, all due to the opening – or even just a tear – of the packaging.

What Does Open-box, Recertified and Refurbished mean? — Big Box Outlet Store


Structubeでブッフェテーブル(リビングとかダイニングに置く棚、兼おかしとか、ブッフェする時に食事とかお菓子上における棚)をさがしてたら、欲しいい商品がたまたま『OPEN BOX』に掲載されてた。





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